Background Location Settings

How your device location is used and why it's important to set Share Location Access to Allow all the time or Always


It's important, when using the Field Tool app, to make sure that background location access is set to "Allow all the time"  (Android) or "Always" (iOS) in your device settings. 

IMPORTANT: New Android Users installing the Field Tool for the first time will find the app crashes when it first asks you to enable Location and Notification permissions.  

Go into the app info (which users are prompted to do when the app crashes) and allow Notification and Location permissions from there.  Then re-lauch the app and you will be able to sign in.

When you are mapping using your device's location, enabling background access assures that location breadcrumbs will continue to be dropped, even when the Field Tool is in background. For example, when you are using your device to make a call. Or, when your device goes to sleep.

The same is true if you choose to share your location with other users in the Intterra Maps app. Your location continues to update while the Field Tool app is working in background on your device.  

If you choose not to enable background location access in your device settings, no breadcrumbs will be added or your location updated when the Field Tool is not in the foreground. 

One last tip.  To extend battery life, it's a good practice to swipe the Field Tool app closed when it is not in use.  More here.