Release Notes for August 2024

Updates on released enhancements and fixes. Note that not all released items are applicable to all customers or users.

Release B

  • 🆕 IRWIN Symbology Enhancement - Enhanced to improve representation of incidents from IRWIN, adding at-a-glance containment information. Users can zoom to see details for fires impacting less acreage. View the image below for the original and updated display.
Irwin New Symbology
  • FEMA Flood Hazard Layers - Pointed to the latest REST API (8/14/2024).
  • California AVL Share Layer - ShareCalifornia now shows the agency name before the unit name for regional unit features. This change improves resource identification in a multi-agency response event.
  • CalTrans Closure Points - CalTrans closure points and accidents are available, replacing a deprecated service.

Release A

  • 🆕 Airborne Video Player Picture-in-Picture - The video player now supports Picture-in-Picture, to pop up a video in a new window that can be moved independently around the screen.
How to Access Airborne Picture-in-Picture
  • Airborne Video Player Controls - An issue where the "play" and "pause" control button icons were not showing has been corrected. Additionally, the video player was upgraded to the latest supported version to improve its reliability.
  • Field Tool Share Location - An issue in the Intterra Field Tool that prevented users from sharing accurate location details has been corrected. Learn more about sharing location with the Field Tool here.

Additional Updates for August 2024

  • MitiTrack - deployed in two additional customer environments.
  • Customer Updates
    • Home Risk Field Display - An updated layer with the correct metadata tags was published to a customer environment.
    • Rivers and Docks Service - Army Corps of Engineers Rivers and Docks feature service added to a customer basemap.
    • Defensible Space Inspection Zones - A DSI Zones layer was published for a customer.
    • Homeless Shelter Point Buffer - A 0.5-mile buffer was set around a homeless shelter point.
    • Municipal Boundaries Updates - Municipal boundaries polygon layer was updated for a customer to avoid repetition in location tagging.