Intterra uses two separate data queries to capture the current CAD Incident and Unit states and combine the information in the SitStat Monitor's map display
In order to implement the Operations module's SitStat Monitor tool, current CAD incident and unit status data must be queried from the client source system and provided to the Intterra Data Center. Active Incidents are displayed while they still have a unit assigned to them. Unit data is refreshed regularly to show the units' current availability status and locations.
Intterra uses two separate data queries to capture the current CAD Incident and Unit states and combine the information in the SitStat Monitor's map display. We have experience interfacing with many CAD systems, and may be able to provide you with sample incident and unit status queries to help facilitate the process of building your data feed.
You will find a list of the data commonly provided data fields for both Incidents and Units in the FieldMappingMatrix_SitStat spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet has been updated to show the expected unit data field usage in situations where unit AVL data isn't accessible in CAD and the CAD status and AVL location updates need to be separated into two separate data feeds.
The spreadsheet identifies:
Client Fields: The column to be completed by the client identifying the table.fieldname from the client database that corresponds to the required data.
Intterra Fields: provides the exact field naming convention, including capitalization, for the data attribute to be successfully ingested into the Data Center API
Required (Required/Conditional/Optional): Identifies the importance of the data field within the submitted data set.
Type: The expected data type for each attribute.
Description: Provides a business description of what each field is to facilitate mapping the correct attribute from the RMS source system
Example: A hypothetical data value to provide an example of the desired/expected input for the specified field.
Required Definitions
Ingest Requirement - the API data ingest will fail without this data element
Functional Requirement - the API data ingest will succeed without this data element, but the system will not function as intended, i.e., a missing unit status or incident type will prevent the proper display of the unit or incident in the SitStat application.
Optional - additional data to complete the incident or unit response data on which no further processing is done.
Data Mapping
Please download and complete the Client Fields column of the FieldMappingMatrix_SitStat spreadsheet with the appropriate CAD Data fields.
Please reach out to if you have any questions.