Stats Tool videos

Videos demonstrating the use of the Layer Stats Tool.

This video demonstrates the use of the Stats Tool for quickly gathering critical information needed for FEMA FMAG applications, evacuation planning, and more.  


  • 0:00 - Intro 
  • 0:18 - Tool Overview
  • 1:24 - Count query on building footprints
  • 3:04 - Sum query on Demographics using Total Population field
  • 4:50 - Group query on Parcels using Property Type field
  • 6:26 - Sum query on Parcels using Building Value field
  • 7:30 - Close out


Layer Stats Tool

Using Layer Stats to Assist with an FMAG

This video answers a common question when using the Stats Tool on the Demographics layer.  It applies to use on any polygon (area) layer.  


See links above

Overview of Demographic Indicators in EJScreen