Basemaps available in Intterra

A basemap is a reference map that provides context for your map display, allowing you to focus on particular features such as streets, topography or terrain.

 In Intterra, basemaps are accessible from the < menu on the upper right side of the map. 
Service Name Description Provider
ArcGIS Streets A detailed vector tile basemap for the world with a classic Esri street map style. ESRI
ArcGIS Streets Relief Provides a detailed vector basemap for the world featuring a classic Esri street map style including a relief map. ESRI
ArcGIS Streets Night A detailed basemap for the world featuring a custom night time street map style.  Default for SitStat Monitor Night Mode. ESRI
ArcGIS Streets Navigation Provides a detailed vector basemap for the world featuring a custom navigation map style. ESRI
ArcGIS Topographic A detailed vector basemap for the world featuring a classic Esri topographic map style including a relief map. ESRI
ArcGIS Dark Grey Canvas A detailed vector basemap for the world featuring a neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features. ESRI
ArcGIS Light Grey Canvas A detailed vector basemap for the world featuring a neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features. ESRI
ArcGIS Terrain Displays multidirectional hillshade under map content from a vector tile layer of populated place names, admin and water labels with boundary and road lines. ESRI
ArcGIS Oceans Includes bathymetry, surface and subsurface feature names, and derived depths.  This map is designed to be used as a basemap by marine GIS professionals and as a reference map by anyone interested in ocean data. ESRI
Open Street Map (OSM) A collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. ESRI
ArcGIS Imagery Satellite imagery for the world and high-resolution aerial imagery for many areas.  ESRI
ArcGIS Imagery Hybrid A detailed vector reference layer for the world that is overlaid on World Imagery. ESRI
USGS Hybrid* USGS Imagery Topo is a tile cache base map of orthoimagery in The National Map and US Topo vector data visible to the 1:9,028 scale. Details. USGS
USGS NAIP* USGS Imagery Only is a tile cache base map service of orthoimagery in The National Map visible to the 1:9,028 zoom scale. Details. USGS
USGS Quads* USGS The National Map TopoData refreshed April, 2024. Details. USGS
* USGS maps are not available when creating GeoPDF exports using the Export Tool.   This is a limitation from USGS.