Release Notes for June 2024

Updates on released enhancements and fixes. Note that not all released items are applicable to all customers or users.


  • NEW FEATURE in ActivePlan: Structure Preplan Audit Age
    • Preplan aging that color codes structure preplans based on the last year a preplan was edited. This gives an at-a-glance look at how fresh (e.g., reliable) a preplan is and an idea of preplans that can be considered for a refresh.  
    • The process color codes the preplan areas from green to red by the number of years since they were touched. The aging updates daily.
    • Toggle on or off the "Preplan Audit Age" layer to use/not use the feature.
    • This feature is available and active for all customers using the standard preplan schema.  Click on this LINK to learn more.
  • An issue where Preplan Audit Age was not updating for an individual customer has been corrected. 


  • Migration of customers to an updated ArcGIS architecture is complete. Benefits include updates to geospatial capabilities including improved map rendering, layer security and enhanced representation of map data. Note: customers in independent environments are following a different upgrade schedule and will be addressed separately.
  • An issue causing webpage freezes or a blank screen on mobile devices when logging in and interacting with the map has a fix applied. Intterra is monitoring for continuing issues.
  • A new airborne provider has been provisioned in an individual customer environment.