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  2. Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the Briefing Mode map get its data?

The data in Intterra's Briefing Mode comes from Integrated Reporting of Wildland-Fire Information (IRWIN), as well as what has been mapped in Intterra or the Field Tool with at least an incident icon ( Fire,  HazMat,   USAR/Search & Rescue, or   General/Other incident type), until the client removes the point.  It will never show a fire from IRWIN that meets rules 1-7 below (even if an iROC resource is assigned).
To determine if a fire is “active,” the following rules are applied to exclude “inactive” fires:
    1A - 24 hours past control date of non-209 incident
    1B - 24 hours past containment date
    2 - Percent contained greater than 99%
    3 - 24 hours past 209 final status
    4 - No 209 report submitted for 8 consecutive days
    5 - Invalid (future) IRWIN “datemodified” field content
    6 - 36 hours passed as an IRWIN-only incident
    7 - WFDSS only incident dropped from WFDSS XML feed
For additional information, see Briefing Mode.
For information on Wildfire Reports, see  Wildfire Report Tools.