Find Layers and Places

Find Layers and Places is a tool in Intterra that helps you quickly locate map layers, tools, and find and zoom to an address, landmark, or latitude/longitude coordinate

The Find Layers and Places Tool is located at the top of the Manage Layers Menu
 To Use
  1. Click on Manage Layers.
  2. Type in your search text.
  3. Select the matching result.  
  4. Intterra will respond based on the menu item open where the search occurred, and the type of search result selected.
NOTE: The Add Features and Layers Menu has the Find Features and Places Tool.
NOTE: The Tools Menu has the Find Tools and Places Tool.
  • For all menus, if a location is selected, the map will automatically zoom to that location and drop a PIN
    • If you searched from Manage Layers and a layer name was selected from the list, that layer can be toggled on or off.
    • If you searched from Add Features and Layers and a layer name to add to was selected from the list, you can directly add a feature to the map.
    • If you searched from Tools Menu and a tool name was selected from the list, the tool will open.
 TIPS: Use the tool to find the location of a coordinate, i.e., Latitude and Longitude, and drop a pin.  The pin can then be copied to a feature in Intterra, for example an Intterra incident.  See Copy to the Map.  To find a coordinate, use any format that's available in the Info Panel PIN; just replace the degree, minute, or second symbol with a space. 
 For example:
    • For Lat Lon below, enter "39.33958, -104.81423."
    • For DMS below, enter "39 20 22 N 104 48 51 W."
    • For DDM below, enter "39 20.3747 -104 48.8538."
