Known Issues

We try very hard, but issues do pop-up.

NOTE: 3rd party layers used by Intterra sometimes stop working either because the provider stopped sharing or made a change in the access point of credentials.  For the latest on layers and know issues, please check  Common Data Layers in Intterra.  
1. Field Tool crashes for new Android users
New Android Users installing the Field Tool for the first time will find the app crashes when it first asks you to enable Location and Notification permissions.
Solution:  New Android Users installing the Field Tool for the first time will find the app crashes when it first asks you to enable Location and Notification permissions.
2. Intterra won't load...user sees continuous loading.
Intterra recently made updates to enhance the security of user-server communication by updating the way we handle background tokens. However, some users have reported experiencing issues with the application reloading.
Solution: Clear you browser cache - cookies and other site data - and all should be good.
Note: You may get logged out of other apps your are using. If this is an issue, you can clear only the Intterra cookies by doing this (this is for Chrome):
- Open your browser settings (3 dots top right)
- Click on Settings
- Search for 'Cookies' in the search box
- Click 3rd Party Cookies
- Scroll down and select 'See all site data and permissions'
- Locate and delete.
3. Some nowCOAST layers are not available
NOAA is moving the nowCOAST services we use and some layers are not available at this time.  We are actively looking for replacements.  
4. Air Intel Tool is empty
There are no missions showing in the Air Intel Tool when opened.  This normally occurs when there are been not recent missions - the numbers days loaded is configured for the tool and is normally set to 15 to 60 days. 
Solution. If you have reason to believe that there should be missions listed, check to see if there are missions showing when using a different network to connect to the internet - i.e. home, device data or hotspot.  If it works there, then contact your agency IT department and have whitelisted.
5. Odd map behavior in Stat Stat Monitor when zooming in or tool an incidents
A few users have seen incidents and units not display on the map when zooming in and/or the basemap doesn't finish loading. 
Solution.  Please clear user settings in the Layers menu.
6. Find Places search does not work with USNG coordinates  
Searching for USNG coordinates (i.e. 13SDD 34504 10742) returns no results.
7. Intterra webpage is blank on some iPhones
Extreme rare, only two reported occurrences - both personal iPhones.  After logging into the Intterra web app, then web page is blank.   It is most likely caused by a security setting or app running on the device, but the two cases were able to be resolved by the user.
8. Field Tool will not open on some iOS devices
There are reports of the Field Tool not opening on some iOS devices.  The issue appears to be isolated to 1) agency owned devices managed by a third-party Mobile Device Management (MDM) application AND 2) using iOS 14.1 or later.  
9. Layer Export Tool does not export KML format files
The export tools does not support the export of KML format layers such as InciWeb.  There is no message to the user indicating that it is not a comparable format.  
10. San Diego imagery and Aviation Charts (chartbundle) fail to load
These 2 WMS layers fail to load at times.  This happens when the layer state is remembered by Saved Settings - clearing saved settings is the workaround.  So if the layer is off in the main settings when the workspace loads it displays when toggled on.  If it was on the last time the workspace was used and a user opens that workspace, the saved settings won't load the layer and the user can't either.  So far we have only found this in WMS layers, but are testing more. 
 Recently Resolved Issues:
1. Briefing Tool Precaution Level Incorrect
2. Air Intel Tool Feature Toggling is Broken
When viewing a list of products in the 'feature' tab (mapped products like perimeters, hotspots, etc), clicking on the product to toggle it off from displaying on the map is broken.
3. GeoPDF export does not export all layers
When exporting geoPDF's, not all selected layers show on the exported pdf file.   
4. Air Intel video selector broken (SCOUT instance only)
By default, the most recent video is listed at the top of the list of video products and displayers in the video player for viewing.  The ability to select a different video is broken. 
The workaround is to download the video from the tool and view it in the device player.  
5. Intterra's Field Tool App is no longer available on Google Play Store
The Field Tool is no long available for install at Google Play Store.  It still works on Android devices with previous installation.  We don't have an ETA at this time.
6. Basemap selector tool broken on Safari/MAC's
Only the topo map persists.  Engineers are working the bug.
7. PDF attachments 
iOS only - Only the first page of an attachment displays in the pop-up window.  Users can open most documents into new tab and view there!
8. Duplicate unit records in Analytics Dashboards and Unit Performance Tool.  
9. SitStat Monitor Night Mode issues
  • Toggling on Night Mode does not change the basemap to a night basemap.  Workaround - manually change the basemap.
  • Night Mode persists after pressing moon icon - workaround - close and reopen the Sitstat Monitor tool.
10. Data Export Intermittent Errors

Users are experiencing intermittent errors when exporting EGP/BLM Lighting strike and other data using the export tool.  The issue is being worked.  In the mean time: 

  • You can waiting and try again using a smaller extent (less data). 
  • To print a map to share that you can do a screen print of what the map rather than export.  This is useful if you do NOT need a georeferenced. -
  • To export lightning data the Oregon, Keno and Montana clients have additional lightning layers that do work.
11. Briefing Mode is not working properly
Two issues are occurring:
  • The analytics panel is not opening as expected
  • Clicking on a region on the maps doesn't always display the associated regions data in the panel.  This occurs when viewing areas small than the GACC - Nation and GACC work fine. 
12. Add Layer tool not importing zipped shape files
There is bug that prevents zipped shaped files from importing.  There is no pop-up message. KML and other imports still work and provide a workaround to adding data. 
 Please email if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns.