View Archived Wildfire Mapping

Keep the operational map cleaned up with just active incidents while providing easy access to view and export wildfire mapping for the current or previous seasons when the need arises

Archived mapping means those features that have been deleted or replaced by an edit of the geometry or an attribute in the table. 
The Archive layers are available in the Archive Workspace based on user role and system availability. 
 NOTE: For 2021-2, View Archived Mapping is enabled for two layers - Manage Incidents and Manage Wildfire

Two Versions

There are two versions of the archived layers described below.  In addition, they are further split out by year based on feature creation date.
  • All Previous Edits or Deletes - This layer provides all the archived features. This is useful for accessing all edits throughout an incident. 
  • Most Recent Edit or Delete - This layer provides a cleaner version of archived features by only showing the latest version of archived features. It's important to understand that this does not necessarily represent the final incident map since the 'final version' of an individual feature may have been deleted prior to the end of the incident.  To illustrate, here are two situations - 
    • A fire perimeter is edited several times as the fire grows or mapping is improved.  In this case, only the final version will show in the Most Recent Edit or Delete. 
    • A fire perimeter is replaced by new perimeters as the fire grows or mapping is improved.  In this case, last version of each perimeter will show in the the Most Recent Edit or Delete. 


  • Archived Incident Lists for each year provide a quick way to zoom to archived mapping based on the incident name for the last edit of a feature. 

Best Uses

  • Keep the operational mapping clean with only active incidents.
  • View and/or export incident mapping after it's been deleted.  This is could be a single incident or a full season.  See Layer Export Tool.
  • Copy a feature back to current incident mapping that may have been prematurely deleted.  See Copy to the Map

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do I see features showing in the Archive layers immediately after adding in my incident mapping?  Answer: When a feature is added/drawn it is immediately saved.  In most cases, the user will edit the incident name and then save.  The initial version before renaming is now in the Archive layer.  
  • Why do mapped features that were deleted throughout the incident show in the Most Recent Edit or Delete Layer?  See the Two Layers > Most Recent Edit or Delete section above.